The Magic of Arpeggios

The Magic of Arpeggios

Sometimes people get a little scared of this big Italian word...or think it's just for classical musicians. Not so! Arpeggios, and related patterns (chords, triads, skip-skips, thirds, fourths, etc.), are the absolutely fundamental building blocks of trad. They appear all over tunes...once you see them, you won't be able to STOP seeing them!

So it makes A LOT of sense for trad players to learn what arpeggios are, how they exist spatially on your instrument, how to identify them by ear (including in their various inversions), and then practice the heck out of them outside of tunes. Because if you can identify arpeggios (or any of their constituent parts) by ear, and you've practice them ahead of time, you'll be able to learn tunes more efficiently, play them faster, and stop struggling with the jumpiness that is inherent in arpeggios.

This workshop will cover all of the above topics and give you exercises to practice in order to gain technical mastery or arpeggios. Don't be scared! Arpeggios are awesome.

Who's this for: All melody instruments
Level: All levels - these skills are applicable at all stages of your musical journey.

The Magic of Arpeggios